Some anole lizards can stay underwater for as long as 16 minutes a trick they pull off by rebreathing exhaled air which they store in a bubble attached to their snouts.
Researchers first documented this behaviour among anoles living in Coto Brus, Costa Rica in 2019, filming one of the submerged lizards using a GoPro camera.
Further analysis has now suggested that different species of semi-aquatic anole evolved the rebreathing ability separately to make the most of air while diving.
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Anole lizards can stay underwater for as long as 16 minutes a trick they pull off by rebreathing exhaled air which they store in a bubble attached to their snouts (as pictured)
Researchers Dump Tons of Coffee Waste Onto Degraded Land, 2 Years Later It’s Transformed
Researchers have witnessed incredible results after dumping 30 truckloads of coffee pulp, a waste product of the coffee industry, onto an area of degraded former farmland in Costa Rica. Marking out a control area of a similar size, they were astounded by the change over the next two years.
Dr. Rebecca Cole, lead author of the study which was published in the British Ecological Society journal Ecological Solutions and Evidence described the change as “dramatic.”
“The area treated with a thick layer of coffee pulp turned into a small forest in only two years,” Cole said, according to a press release, “while the control plot remained dominated by nonnative pasture grasses.”
Costa Rica will start vaccinating younger adults who have at least one Covid-19 risk factor, the Social Security System announced Wednesday.
Areas that have vaccinated at least 80% of elderly adults (defined here as 58 years or older) will start inoculating at-risk 18 to 57-year-olds.
“Our priority is to finish vaccinating the elderly, but we also need to advance in the vaccination process with Group 3 in those health areas that are already close to ending with Group 2,” said Mario Ruíz, medical manager of the Caja.
Among the risk factors that qualify a Costa Rican citizen or resident into Group 3 are: hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, chronic respiratory disease, chronic kidney disease, grade III obesity, morbid obesity, cancer, HIV-AIDS and the beneficiaries of organ transplants.
‘Coffee pulp can be a cost-effective forest restoration strategy’ Coffee pulp – a waste product in coffee production – could be used to speed up recovery of tropical forests on post-agricultural land, according to researchers.
Coffee pulp – the residual parts of coffee left over after separating the seed from the fruit components – comprises of some 50% of the weight of a typical coffee harvest. Yet it is commonly treated as a waste product.
The nutritionally rich coffee pulp contains high levels of carbohydrates, crude protein, and lignin with a low pH – making it a valuable compost.
‘There were striking differences between the coffee pulp and control treatments’
Rebecca Cole
A new study finds that coffee pulp, a waste product of coffee production, can be used to speed up tropical forest recovery on post agricultural land. The findings are published in the British Ecological Society journal
In the study, researchers from ETH-Zurich and the University of Hawai`i spread 30 dump truck loads of coffee pulp on a 35 × 40m area of degraded land in Costa Rica and marked out a similar sized area without coffee pulp as a control. The results were dramatic, said Dr. Rebecca Cole, lead author of the study. The area treated with a thick layer of coffee pulp turned into a small forest in only two years while the control plot remained dominated by non-native pasture grasses.