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Fatal collisions in the Region are up 23 per cent from last year, according to Central Region OPP.
“Especially with the Province looking to open up again, people are definitely anxious to get out, but this is not the time to take unnecessary risks and end innocent lives,” says Central Region OPP’s Gosia Puzio.
Sixteen people have already died in collisions in the region. Five have died because of speeding, three people from impaired driving, three from lack of seatbelt use, and five from other causes.
Provincially, 94 people have died in collisions on OPP-patrolled roads this year, up from 87 people by the same time last year, an increase of eight per cent. According to the OPP, speeding and inattentive driving have accounted for almost half of all fatal collisions, with 27 deaths related to speeding, and 16 related to inattention.
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The Central Region OPP is reporting 1,673 driving-related charges in the region over Canada Road Safety Week.
During the week, officers were on the lookout for the “Big Four” factors of collisions, which are speeding, impaired driving, distracted driving, and seatbelt compliance. Speeding accounted for 1,376 charges, improper use of seatbelts 162, impaired driving 35, and distracted driving 32. No fatal collisions were reported during the week.
This year’s numbers are lower than last year’s Canada Road Safety Week, which totaled 1,819 charges. Central Region OPP’s Gosia Puzio says lower numbers might point to the success of stay-at-home orders.