3 killed, 9 caught after 132 avalanches in Colorado backcountry over weekend
DENVER (KCNC) The Colorado Avalanche Information Center is asking people to use extreme caution when venturing into Colorado’s backcountry over the Christmas holiday. Despite having a below normal snowpack conditions are described as being unusually dangerous around the state. In the last week, 380 avalanches have been reported around the state.
“Since Friday three Coloradans lost their lives in avalanche accidents, and 132 avalanches were reported. One hundred and eight avalanches were triggered by people in the last week” said Ethan Greene, Director, Colorado Avalanche Information Center.
Greene says we’re not seeing the landscape-changing events like we saw during March of 2019, but stresses the current snowpack is the weakest we’ve seen since 2012. As more snow falls in the upcoming weeks avalanches could become more dangerous. The current conditions require additional caution.
The Denver Post
A solo skier was buried and killed in an avalanche Friday on the northeast end of the Anthracite Range, in an area locally referred to as Friendly Finish, according to the Colorado Avalanche Information Center.
Photo courtesy CAIC
A skier was killed Friday in a backcountry avalanche west of Crested Butte while skiing in the Anthracite Range, according to a report from the Colorado Avalanche Information Center.
The skier, whose name has not been released, was in the northeast end of the area known as the Friendly Finish when the avalanche occurred.
The victim was skiing alone but before descending spoke to two other skiers about how they planned to go down. After the two made their descent, they found the victim’s snowmobile still parked, the report stated. They then saw the avalanche where the victim had told them he planned to descend.
Backcountry skiers found dead after avalanche
December 20, 2020 GMT
DENVER (AP) Two backcountry skiers have been found dead after an avalanche in southwestern Colorado.
Crews were working Sunday to recover the bodies of the pair, who were reported missing the night before after heading out for a ski trip north of Silverton known locally as the Battleship, according to the Colorado Avalanche Information Center.
The two were not immediately identified by the San Juan County Sheriff’s Department. Their bodies were located by helicopter, near ski tracks and avalanche debris.
The deaths are the second and third of the ski season; the first was on Friday.
2 Durangoans killed in avalanche near Ophir Pass
Durango, Colorado Currently Sun
Jeff Paffendorf, 51, and Albert Perry, 55, perish in Saturday slide By Patrick Armijo Education, business & real estate reporter
Sunday, Dec. 20, 2020 10:28 AM Updated: Sunday, Dec. 20, 2020 5:39 PM A rescue crew on Sunday morning skis to an avalanche site near Ophir Pass that killed two Durango men, Dr. Jeff Paffendorf, 51, and Albert Perry, 55. Courtesy of San Juan County, Colorado, Search and Rescue A rescue crew on Sunday morning prepares to ski to an avalanche site near Ophir Pass that killed two Durango men, Dr. Jeff Paffendorf, 51, and Albert Perry, 55. Courtesy of San Juan County, Colorado, Search and Rescue