Coronavirus live updates: India reported 23,285 fresh Covid-19 cases on Thursday pushing the overall tally to 11,308,846, according to
Worldometer. The death toll from the deadly infection jumped to 158,326. The country continues to be second-most-affected globally, and ranks 11th among worst-hit nations by active cases. The five most affected states are Maharashtra, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu. The total number of Covid-19 vaccine doses administered in the country crossed 26,164,000.
World coronavirus update: Coronavirus cases rise unabated across the globe with 119,097,578 infected by the deadly contagion. While 94,635,198 have recovered, 2,640,868 have died so far. The US remains the worst-hit country with 29,922,718, followed by India, Brazil, Russia and the United Kingdom. However, it terms of the total number of active cases, US tops the charts, followed by France, Brazil, UK and Belgium.
COVID-19 cases are in
Maharashtra, stated Union Health and Family Welfare Secretary Rajesh Bhushan in course of a press briefing on the actions taken, preparedness and updates on COVID-19, held at National Media Centre in New Delhi today.
Pune with 18,474 cases tops the list, followed by Nagpur with 12,724 cases, then Thane with 10,460 cases and
Mumbai with 9,973 cases. The other districts of Maharashtra in the list are Amravati, Jalgaon, Nashik and Aurangabad.
The Health Secretary further stated that active cases are rising in the country, after touching the lowest mark in mid-February. In the last one month, the states like Maharashtra, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Haryana have shown a rise in the number of active cases, while the cases have shown a decline in Kerala, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal, he added.
ख़बर सुनें
पिछले एक साल से देश में कोरोना वायरस का कहर जारी है। देश में एक बार फिर कोरोना संक्रमण के दैनिक मामलों में लगातार बढ़ोतरी दर्ज की जा रही है। महाराष्ट्र, केरल और तमिलनाडु समेत कई राज्यों में लॉकडाउन जैसे हालत हैं। पिछले 24 घंटे में कोरोना संक्रमण के 18,711 नए मामले दर्ज किए गए और 100 लोगों ने इस संक्रमण से अपनी जान गंवा दी है। केंद्रीय स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय ने रविवार को जानकारी दी�
ख़बर सुनें
देश में कोरोना के दैनिक मामलों में उतार-चढ़ाव का दौर जारी है। गुरुवार के मुकाबले शुक्रवार को कोरोना के दैनिक मामलों में कमी आई है। पिछले 24 घंटे में देश में 16,838 नए मामले सामने आए हैं, अब देश में कुल संक्रमित मरीजों का आंकड़ा 1.11 करोड़ के पार चला गया है।
केंद्रीय स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय की ओर से जारी ताजा आंकड़ों के मुताबिक, पिछले 24 घंटे में देश में 16,838 नए मामले सामने आए, जिसके बाद क
Photo: Bloomberg
Coronavirus live updates: With a daily increase of 17,407 in total cases, India’s tally of coronavirus cases has risen to 11,156,923. Death toll has reached 157,471, with 89 fatalities in a day. India s count of active cases has jumped to 175,044. The country continues to be second-most-affected globally, and ranks 13th among worst-hit nations by active cases. The five most affected states by total cases are Maharashtra (2,169,330), Kerala (1,064,279), Karnataka (952,037), Andhra Pradesh (890,080), and Tamil Nadu (852,478). Maharashtra is now contributing more than half of fresh coronavirus infections in India, fanning fears of a second wave in the state.
World coronavirus update: Coronavirus cases rise unabated across the globe with 115,749,030 infected by the deadly contagion. While 91,454,588 have recovered, 2,570,614 have died so far. The US remains the worst-hit country with 29,456,377, followed by India, Brazil, Russia and the United Kingdom. However, it