By Vicky O. Misa | Shawnee News-Star | USA Today Network
The Shawnee News-Star
On Tuesday, Shawnee city commissioners are set to look over several rezone and plats requests.
Residents will have an opportunity to participate in public hearings slated for a few rezone requests being put before the board:
• Applicant Kevin Mankin, on behalf of Jackline Mankin, is requesting a rezone of a 0.56-acre property at 301 N. Kickapoo Avenue (on the northeast corner of North Kickapoo Avenue and West 10th Street) from C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial District) to C-3 (Highway Commercial District) for the purpose of marketing for a future business.
• Applicant Thomas Humphreys is requesting a rezone of a 0.17-acre property at 1825 N. Beard St. (on the east side of North Beard Street just south of West Emmett Street) from R-1 (Single Family Residential District) to R-1 (Single Family Residential District) with a CUP (Conditional Use Permit) for the purpose of a short-term rental property (Airbn
The Paris City Council has increased its sewer and water rates.
Both the sewer and water rates upped to a monthly $8 base fee. The town will also charge $2 per every 1,000 gallons used of both water and sewage.
“It’s still relatively low in comparison,” to surrounding towns, Mayor Daniel Rogers said Monday during a city council meeting.
Booneville’s rate is $2.80 per every 1,000 gallons used, Rogers said.
“It’s not a huge rate or anything,” Rogers said.
The rate will be applied to Paris residents next sewer bill.
The city is having to find new income to replace the about $350,000 that the American Axle & Manufacturing plant paid the city for electricity.
New sidewalk projects gearing up
By Vicky O. Misa | | (405) 214-3962 | Twitter: @Vicky NewsStar
The Shawnee News-Star
There are some new sidewalk projects in the works.
After interviewing five of 13 Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) submissions, this week City Engineer Seth Barkhimer brought a request before Shawnee City Commissioners to get authorization to start negotiations with CEC, Crafton Tull and Olsson to develop contracts for design services on three areas in particular:
Independence Street from Kickapoo to Harrison (CEC)
Highland Street from Harrison to Bryan (Crafton Tull)
Kickapoo Street from I-40 to MacArthur (Olsson)
He said contracts will be brought back before commission for approval.