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Converse, TX Author and Pastor Writes Philosophy Book December 10, 2020 (PRLEAP.COM) Entertainment News The Complete Human, a new book by Kyle S. Blum, has been released by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc.
What is it to be human, what is it that makes us human, and would answering these questions in any way better prepare us, or in some way enable us, to live lives that are Healthy, Happy, and Whole ? Is a life marked by these qualities even possible, is Completeness conceivable, when experience proves we are unhealthy, unhappy, and broken?
In a world where we are progressively inundated with terrible news, increasingly experiencing tragedy (either by the hand of cosmic forces or terroristic in nature), we find ourselves divided, disenchanted, disenfranchised, dissatisfied, despondent, and deprived of any sense of security, unity, direction, or purpose-is there any real hope, any redemptive reality, any salvific program for posterity that might rectify our