Giving Your Garden a Bee-utiful Boost
Leafcutter bees provide a powerhouse of productivity with no fuss, great expense, or stinging
Leafcutter bees are known as super pollinators due to their speed and pollen distribution. They are faster than honeybees, and their pollen-collecting bellies are fuzzy, not sticky like those of honeybees. This means more pollen is easily distributed throughout your garden.
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Pollinators, bees, habitat diversity by now you are no stranger to these common
buzz terms used in gardening circles and beyond. It is no secret that bees are a keystone species of our ecosystems (and food systems) and that their decline will lead to globally catastrophic outcomes. But beyond their global importance, bees are incredible creatures that foster wonder and beauty in even the tiniest of gardens. Thankfully, the heightened awareness has resulted in more people taking an active interest in supporting bees and other pollinators something that not only benef