Arts Glances
Elementary school art show
NORTHEAST HARBOR ─ Like a lot of things, the K-8 Mount Desert Elementary School art show is a little bit different this year.
One of the best ways to understand the human experience is to look at the artwork.
Students at MDES took some time during their virtual art classes back in January to talk about the moment we are currently living in.
Students were asked to take images of the world around them to show future generations what it was like to be alive in 2020 and 2021. Students were assigned photography homework and took local photography field trips. This art show is a selection of that work.
Anne E. Perkins. (Photo by Amy Wilton)
The Camden Garden Club Winter Horticulture Series will conclude Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2021, at 9:30 a.m., with the topic Seed Starting 101. The Camden Public Library will host the program on Zoom and anyone wishing to attend should email to request a Zoom link.
Anne E. Perkins will discuss how home gardeners can successfully propagate plants from seeds and will demonstrate tips and techniques. Perkins, a member of Camden Garden Club since 2010, is the owner of Headacre Farms, in Owls Head. She has been gardening since the age of four and has left a trail of gardens behind in places as varied as Florida and Alaska, as she followed her husband in his career. Settling back in Maine in 2001, she is now able to devote herself to full-time gardening and is enjoying every minute of it, according to the Club, in a news release.
Cathy Rees and Avy Claire. (Photo courtesy Camden Garden Club)
The Camden Garden Club Winter Horticulture Series continues Tuesday, Feb, 16, 2021, at 9:30 a.m., with guest speakers Avy Claire and Cathy Rees from Native Gardens of Blue Hill.
The Camden Public Library will host the program on Zoom and anyone wishing to attend should email to request a Zoom link.
Native Gardens of Blue Hill has undertaken the creation of a public garden to give a diverse group of gardeners, potential gardeners and non-gardeners, an opportunity to see how a garden made exclusively of native plants can benefit the local landscape. In creating this garden they envisioned a process that teaches as the garden evolves and becomes an inspirational destination as it matures.
Camden Public Library
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Dr. Alicyn Smart, DPM, plant pathologist, and Director of the Plant Disease Diagnostic Center at University of Maine Cooperative Extension in Orono.
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Camden Garden Club’s Winter Horticulture Series continues with a presentation on plant diseases at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 2, hosted by Camden Public Library on Zoom. Please email [email protected] to request a Zoom link to attend.
Identifying and Treating Plant Diseases in Midcoast Maine will be presented by Dr. Alicyn Smart, DPM, plant pathologist, and Director of the Plant Disease Diagnostic Center at University of Maine Cooperative Extension in Orono. Dr. Smart performs diagnostics on plants that are submitted to the Insect and Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab. She identifies diseases present and provides recommendations for managing those diseases. This service is available at no charge to Maine residents. Through her work she pinpoints areas where research in plant patho
John T. Pietroski. (Photo courtesy Camden Garden Club)
The third session of the Camden Garden Club Winter Horticulture Series will take place on Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2021, at 9:30 a.m. The Camden Public Library will host the program on Zoom and anyone wishing to attend should email to request a Zoom link.
Dealing with Garden Pests: An Integrated Approach for the Home Gardener will be presented by John T. Pietroski, manager of Pesticide Programs, Master Gardener Pesticide Educator and manager of Pesticide Programs at the Maine Board of Pesticide Control in Augusta.
He will discuss the proper approach for home gardeners to apply when diagnosing plant pest problems and how to seek environmentally sound treatments for them. Chronic misuse of pesticides by homeowners and gardeners is a growing problem that affects the local environment. Proper use and application, storage, and disposal of pesticides, as well as other tactics to deter garden pests, such as cultiv