Anne E. Perkins. (Photo by Amy Wilton)
The Camden Garden Club Winter Horticulture Series will conclude Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2021, at 9:30 a.m., with the topic Seed Starting 101. The Camden Public Library will host the program on Zoom and anyone wishing to attend should email to request a Zoom link.
Anne E. Perkins will discuss how home gardeners can successfully propagate plants from seeds and will demonstrate tips and techniques. Perkins, a member of Camden Garden Club since 2010, is the owner of Headacre Farms, in Owls Head. She has been gardening since the age of four and has left a trail of gardens behind in places as varied as Florida and Alaska, as she followed her husband in his career. Settling back in Maine in 2001, she is now able to devote herself to full-time gardening and is enjoying every minute of it, according to the Club, in a news release.