2021 Mount Cameroon Race Of Hope : Adapting To Covid-19
Contrary to previous editions, this year’s race will be taking place under strict measures instituted by the International Athletics Federation to limit the spread of the virus.
The 2021 Mount Cameroon Race of Hope just like other sporting competitions taking place within the complicated health context of the Covid-19 pandemic has put in place key mechanisms to prevent the spread of the virus.Lire aussi : Paix et développement: Le sport comme levier
One of such mechanisms as indicated by the Secretary General (SG) of the Cameroon Athletics Federation, Charles Kouoh Kotte is the fact that departures for the different categories will be separate in other to respect the social distancing barrier measure. The SG further indicated they will be strictly respecting other health protocols prescribed by the International Athletics Federation. Some of them include Covid-19 test for all athletes, wearing of facemask for the partici
2021 Mount Cameroon Race Of Hope : Adapting To Covid-19
Contrary to previous editions, this year’s race will be taking place under strict measures instituted by the International Athletics Federation to limit the spread of the virus.
The 2021 Mount Cameroon Race of Hope just like other sporting competitions taking place within the complicated health context of the Covid-19 pandemic has put in place key mechanisms to prevent the spread of the virus.Lire aussi : Paix et développement: Le sport comme levier
One of such mechanisms as indicated by the Secretary General (SG) of the Cameroon Athletics Federation, Charles Kouoh Kotte is the fact that departures for the different categories will be separate in other to respect the social distancing barrier measure. The SG further indicated they will be strictly respecting other health protocols prescribed by the International Athletics Federation. Some of them include Covid-19 test for all athletes, wearing of facemask for the partici