Kathy Arlene Wheeler, loving wife and mother of two, passed away peacefully on Sunday, March 28, 2021. Kathy was born on March 9, 1960 in Bismarck, ND to Gary and Evona Ward. She graduated from Century High School in 1978 and worked for the state of North Dakota for over 40 years. On June 12, 1980, she married her best friend, Jim Wheeler. Together they raised two sons, Joshua and Gabriel. Kathy had a passion for food. She enjoyed learning about and trying new foods, cooking, sharing food with others and shopping for food. Most would say she made the best knoephla soup around. More than food, she found immense joy in loving her grandchildren. She cherished her time with them and always had a treat or snack to share. Most of all, she loved her husband, her best friend. They were nearly inseparable and loved to cook and travel.
March 11 through July 24 Vicki Myhren Gallery, School of Art & Art History, University of Denver, 2121 East Asbury Avenue March 11 through May 2 Virtual Gallery Program: Wednesday, April 7, 5:30 p.m., link TBD The
Space(s) Between Exhibition, a large-scale collaboration between the University of Colorado Colorado Springs Galleries of Contemporary Art and the University of Denver’s Vicki Myhren Gallery is a blockbuster in sections, roving from galleries on both campuses beginning in March to multiple outdoor locations in Colorado in April. It’s a fitting solution for a show inspired by the timeless landscapes of the American West: The works improvise with the horizon line for instance, in a painting of billowing clouds plastered on a billboard or a photograph blown up and wheat-pasted to the side of a desert hut in the Navajo Nation. In its full glory, the eventually roadtrip-encircling
February 13 through March 12 Brian Rattiner brings liquid-looking abstracts in rainbow colors to David B. Smith’s main gallery from his Brooklyn studio, while Christine Nguyen helps celebrate Month of Photography 2021 with mixed-media cyanotypes and photo-based paintings in the project room.
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Westword, it has been defined as the free, independent voice of Denver, and we would like to keep it that way. Offering our readers free access to incisive coverage of local news, food and culture. Producing stories on everything from political scandals to the hottest new bands, with gutsy reporting, stylish writing, and staffers who ve won everything from the Society of Professional Journalists Sigma Delta Chi feature-writing award to the Casey Medal for Meritorious Journalism. But with local journalism s existence under siege and advertising revenu
Mehidy elated at rediscovering his batting ability Atif Azam from Chattogram
4th February, 2021 09:41:39
Mehidy Hasan and Mustafizur Rahman are friends for eight years and it looks to be destined these two buddies will accompany each other through thick and thin.
In the cricket fraternity friendship of Mehidy and Mustafizur is quite familiar and when Mustafizur walked to bat there were murmurs in the press box considering Mehidy was just eight runs away from scoring his maiden Test hundred.
Mehidy, who was waiting on the other end, needed that mental encouragement to cross the nervous nineties and there could be no one better than Mustafizur, who was also determined not to spoil his friend’s party, with whom he had been sharing the room on most occasions since their Under-17 days.