Event has passed
American Legion Friday Night Dinner, 2 to 6:30 p.m., American Legion Post 17, 113 American Legion Rd., Lewes. Baked cod filet, macaroni & cheese, stewed tomatoes, cost is $8, or meatball sandwich, cost is $8, takeout available. Contact 645-9965 for more information.
Event Details:
February 16, 2021
The aerial picture published as the historic photo in the Feb. 9 edition of the Cape Gazette (capegazette.com/node/215273) generated considerable interest. Because of the extent of the information, we decided to publish it again with comments from two readers. Bob Kotowski, long involved with Lewes Historical Society, provided the first response. The second response came from Earl Webb who originally provided the photo. Here are their responses:
“Concerning the aerial photo of piers sent by Earl Webb and published on page 7 in the Feb. 9 Cape Gazette, I think I can help,” wrote Kotowski.
“The large plant and pier in the foreground appears to be Otis Smith’s Fish Products Co. The other menhaden piers also likely were owned by Smith. As for the remaining piers, starting from the top of the photo: the Army Mine Pier (now Cape Henlopen fishing pier), remnants of the old Iron Pier, and at the bottom of the pic, the Coast Guard P
February 15, 2021
Antique tractor club to meet Feb. 16
The regular meeting of the First State Antique Tractor Club will be held at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 16, at the Greenwood VFW, at the corner of Governors Avenue and Mill Street, Greenwood. The club is now planning its annual show at the Laurel Farmers Auction Market, the last weekend of June. Upcoming club business will be addressed. Scholarship applications are due mid-April and are available on the website: firststateantiquetractorclub.com. CDC guidelines will be practiced at this meeting. All who are planning to attend are asked to bring their face masks with them and keep the safe distance of six feet apart. Light refreshments will be served. The club is always accepting new members. For more information, contact Maralene Givens at 302-228-2674 or maraleneg1@verizon.net.
DAR Nathaniel Mitchell Chapter performs services for community
The Maj. Nathaniel Mitchell Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution presented a donation of two books to the Bridgeville library. Shown are in back (l-r) Deb Prevost and Cathy Connor. In row two are Ruth Gilefski, Bridgeville Public Library board of trustees president, and Carol Evans, chapter regent. In front are Bridgeville Public Library Director Karen Johnson and Chapter Librarian Alice Min. SUBMITTED PHOTOS February 15, 2021
A wreath-laying ceremony was held at the gravesite of chapter namesake Nathaniel Mitchell at Old Christ Church, Laurel. Shown are (l-r) Judith Schlott, chaplain; Norma Jean Fowler; Carol Evans, regent; Carla Hankins; and Sue Bramhall.
Music, Poetry & Art on the Piano, 6 to 8 p.m., via Zoom. Hosted by Rehoboth library, Guillermo Silveira to perform. To register go to bit.ly/2M9WJ3h to register.