Thu, 12/24/2020 - 12:00am
Ronni Walker | Mmc
When traveling around Olney, you will see their “For Sale” signs in many yards. Perhaps you have visited one of the homes they have renovated. More than likely, you have used the only car wash in Olney at least once. Derrell and Cathy Marion are the owners of Marion Realty and Olney Car Wash, located at 1406 W. Main St. in Olney.
The Marions have put their stamp on Olney, and as local entrepreneurs, they appreciate their customers and aspire to provide stellar service to their clients.
Their 53-year marriage has made the transition to the workplace smooth. The husband and wife team work together to run their businesses’ day-to-day operations, with Mrs. Marion handling all business matters for the real estate company and Mr. Marion managing the car wash.