Written by Cathy Savoca
I first laid eyes on the Lounsbury House in 1994 when my husband and I discovered the charming town of Ridgefield and bought our home where we have lived ever since.
Fast forward to 2021 and I am a proud Member of the Lounsbury House Board of Directors and am very happy to share why it was special then and now and why the support of our community is so important to maintain this treasure.
The beauty of the building and the welcoming approach that invited us to grab a rocking chair on the impressive porch and spend some time almost three decades ago still exists and is a community resource to so many. Couples celebrating their wedding day, the Memorial Day town celebration, recitals, fundraisers, holiday festivities are all ways we have enjoyed the property over the years. It is a centerpiece of a stroll along Main Street that is getting harder to find in towns across the country and enhances the economic growth of our town in many ways.