A doctor with a patient at Morris Woodford medical clinic in Grimsby
Credit: Daniel Leal-Olivas /PA
SIR – As a retired GP, I wholeheartedly agree with Philip Johnston (Comment, March 31) that online GP consultations are not a satisfactory replacement for face-to-face ones.
Among my friends, since lockdown began I am aware of six missed or incorrect diagnoses as a result of remote consultations. All had serious consequences, including an avoidable six-month stay in hospital.
An image is no substitute for a hand on the tummy. Online consultations have a place but they must be used selectively.
Dr John Statham
SIR – About five years ago, while speaking to my GP about statins, she suddenly said that my neck seemed swollen on one side. I hadn’t noticed.
Downtown Racine saw some of the highest snow totals, hitting nearly 18 inches. Park benches and stairs were practically hidden from view with much of the city looking the same.