Legislation Proposed To Legalize Marijuana In Pennsylvania
(Harrisburg, PA) Two state senators are proposing a new legislation to legalize marijuana in Pennsylvania. Republican Dan Laughlin and Democrat Sharif Street announced a bipartisan proposal to legalize marijuana in the state yesterday. Laughlin is the first ever Republican lawmaker to co-sponsor a recreational marijuana legalization bill in the state. The Pennsylvania Independent Fiscal Office reports that marijuana legalization could bring between 400-million-dollars to one-billion-dollars in new tax revenue for the state. HACC To Be Used As Mass COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic
(Harrisburg, PA) HACC is agreeing to be used as a mass COVID-19 vaccination clinic. The college announced yesterday that it has reached an agreement with Dauphin County to use its West End parking lot area as a vaccination clinic soon. County officials say the clinic is going to be dependent upon the number of vaccine doses that are allo
The criminal complaint indicates that Haggerty used a stolen credit card to purchase items at various locations in Lackawanna County in December and January.
These Countries Have The Most Serial Killers. Here s Why
By Debra Kelly/Feb. 21, 2021 11:00 pm EDT/Updated: March 23, 2021 10:15 pm EDT
Humans are strange creatures for a whole host of reasons, and among the weirdest is the fascination with those who kill their fellow humans. According to the BBC, our fascination with killers is nothing new. When William Corder was executed for the 1828 murder of his lover, his misdeeds and ultimate fate weren t just fictionalized and presented to the public in plays and puppet shows, but parts of his body were on display, too. Thousands of people turned up to watch him die, and for weeks afterwards, a nearby London shop attracted customers by displaying a grisly piece of memorabilia: his ear and a piece of his scalp.
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Police Encounters Differ for Black V. White Teens
For black youth, a police encounter by eighth grade predicts they will be arrested by young adulthood, but research finds the same is not true for white youth.
Black young adults are 11 times more likely to be arrested by age 20 if they had an initial encounter with law enforcement in their early teens than Black youth who don’t have that first contact.