Will Alabama get short changed on red snapper season?
Today 2:00 AM
Many Alabama anglers, charterboat operators, beachside resort owners, marinas and others in south Alabama tourism may have breathed a sigh of relief when the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council recently recommended very little change in the red snapper season harvest limits for the state, but that relief may be short-lived.
A newly-released in-depth study known as the “Great Red Snapper Count”, (GRSC) completed by over 20 respected marine scientists, indicates there are at least three times the number of red snappers two-years-old and older in the Gulf than previously estimated. Despite this, the Council has indicated it will revisit allocations in 2023 and may cut harvests for both Alabama and Mississippi in half at that time. The impact on coastal businesses would be notable because many families plan their summer vacations to coincide with the snapper season.