-Messenger photo by Bill Shea The AML Riverside plant at 141 E. Riverside Drive is shown Monday afternoon. The company plans to invest about $6 million in new research and development equipment over the next three years. The investment will lead to the creation of 12 new jobs.
For an organization tasked with developing the economy of its community, 2020 appeared to be a daunting year.
And while there were challenges, the staff and board of the Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance found some positive developments.
Some local businesses, especially in manufacturing, actually grew.
“During all of this, companies have continued to invest money in their facilities and make incremental increases in employment,” said Dennis Plautz, the chief executive officer of the Growth Alliance.
-Messenger photo by Bill Shea
Cables dangle from the top of a lift that’s ready to move materials at the site of new apartments being built at North 29th Street and Dodger Drive. A 94-unit apartment building is taking shape there. It will be joined at the site by 25 townhomes. -Messenger photo by Bill Shea
A 94-unit apartment building is under construction at the intersection of North 29th Street and Dodger Drive in Fort Dodge. It will be part of a complex called District 29 that will also include 25 townhomes. Future plans call for another 94-unit apartment building and 25 additional townhomes.