Decisions on planning applications in Crowland, Sutton Bridge, Surfleet and Weston
| Updated: 12:28, 09 January 2021
These are the latest planning decisions which have been made by South Holland District Council:
D Brown Building Contractors Ltd, Land at Kenzie Drive, Sutton Bridge, erection of 2 dwellings - approved under H18-1028-19. Amendments to show garages moved forward, approved.
Seagate Homes, Lane off James Road, Crowland, proposed residential development, replacement allotments and new cemetery including woodland burial plots, associated infrastructure and new accesses - approved under H02-0900-19. Amendments to boundary/landscaping around plots 23-30 and revised route of foul sewer and required level adjustments to tie up with S104, approved.
Lima Fire identifies MacKenzie Drive apartment fire victim
LIMA A 65-year-old woman was identified as the victim of a Sunday night apartment fire on MacKenzie Drive.
Karen Keith, who was identified as the victim by the Lima Fire Department on Thursday, was pronounced dead at the scene of the fire at 1050 MacKenzie Drive on Sunday evening.
Firefighters found a portable oxygen tank and smoking materials in the bedroom of the apartment that caught fire.
LFD Chief Greg Kirkendall on Thursday said there were no indications of foul play after the department’s preliminary investigation.
The fire caused an estimated $10,000-worth of damages to the structure, owned by Rebecca Apartments of Lima Ltd.
One person dead in Sunday evening Lima apartment fire
LIMA A person whose identity has not yet been revealed died in a Sunday night house fire in Lima.
According to a spokesman for the Lima Fire Department, firefighters responded at 9:13 p.m. Sunday to 1050 MacKenzie Drive in response to a report of a person possible still inside a burning apartment building.
Upon their arrival firefighters found smoke coming from the structure and forced their way inside, where they found a victim deceased in the bathroom of the apartment. A fire was burning in a bedroom, where firefighters also found a portable oxygen tank and smoking materials, according to the LFD spokesman.