SINGAPORE - The families of pre-schoolers with developmental needs can look forward to more professional and targeted support within the schools in the coming years.
Inclusion coordinators will be appointed at the more than 1,900 pre-schools here and there will be a roll-out of more inclusive education training opportunities for teachers.
Existing support programmes will also be offered at more pre-schools or integrated with pre-schools to reduce shuttling between centres.
These moves by the Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) are in response to seven recommendations announced by the inclusive pre-school work group on Friday (April 30).
The work group consulted about 60 participants in two focus group discussions and also received feedback from 900 parents in an online survey.
The Straits Times
Singapore s first longitudinal kindergarten study aims to track children as they progress through the school system
Study leader Ng Ee Lynn (second from right) with researchers (from left) Beth O Brien, Nirmala Karuppiah, Kenneth Poon and Fannie Khng.ST PHOTO: GAVIN FOO
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