Rhode Island teachers, school staff, and child-care workers now eligible for COVID-19 vaccine, Governor McKee says
Also, people age 50 and older may be eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine if they live in certain parts of Providence that have been hit hard by the pandemic.
By Alexa Gagosz Globe Staff,Updated March 9, 2021, 1:05 p.m.
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Kate Dusel, of Bristol, R.I., is an eighth grade teacher in Newport. She was able to book an appointment on March 4 in the Providence Place Mall CVS Pharmacy for a COVID-19 vaccine, which was administered by pharmacy tech Jasmine Lopes-Jackson.Pat Greenhouse/Globe Staff
Rhode Island details pathways to become first state with 100% renewable electricity
PROVIDENCE, R.I. – In January 2020, Governor Gina M. Raimondo called for Rhode Island to become the first state in the nation to meet 100% of its electricity demand with renewables by 2030. Now, a new report issued by the Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources (OER) details analysis and pathways to reach that bold, but achievable goal.
A clean, affordable, and reliable electric system – powered by renewables – is vital to reducing statewide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions contributing to climate change and harmful public health impacts. It will also enable broader GHG reductions across Rhode Island s heating and transportation sectors over time, while driving local investment and job growth.
RHODE ISLAND s ambitious 2030 renewable energy goals are achievable, but will come with increased costs to ratepayers, according to a new report commissioned by the R.I. Office of Energy Resources. Pictured is the Block Island Wind Farm. / COURTESY ORSTED U.S. OFFSHORE WIND PROVIDENCE – Rhode Island is 40% of the way to hitting Gov. Gina M. Raimondo’s ambitious goal of powering the state by 100% renewable energy sources by 2030. Filling in the remaining 60% in the next 10 years is “achievable”, but will come at a cost, including higher bills for ratepayers, according to a report…
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