Jun 9, 2021 07:36 EDT with 4 comments
Google s moonshot factory is notorious for killing projects. The latest service to face the axe from the search giant is its Measure app based on Augmented Reality (AR) tech. This service will now join the likes of Google Clips, Google Daydream, Google Goggles, Project Ara, and more at the Google Graveyard.
The Measure app utilized ARCore features to compute an object s dimensions via your Android phone s camera. You could get measurements by simply plotting two points on the screen. Although it wasn t very accurate, it gave a good approximation nonetheless. It debuted on Google Tango hardware such as Asus Zenfone AR and Lenovo Phab 2 Pro. Later, Google rolled it out to millions of ARCore compatible smartphones.
Weekend poll: Which dead Google app or service do you miss the most?
Google s habit of killing its products is a meme by this point. Many of them were short-lived, but the company has been known to throw out widely used and much-loved services years after they debut and have accrued a significant following. While most of us probably didn t even realize there was a Google Shopping app when news of its demise landed last week, the Google graveyard is massive, and I bet there s at least one app or service you miss.
Google s tendency to kill even successful products has led some of us (including myself) to be wary of the company s more recent offerings, and even diversify beyond a reliance on Google s existing products. Recent products like the cloud game-streaming service Stadia, which Google claims to be committed to, have both developers and customers worried about its future Google s even stopped making in-house games for Stadia, so how much can we trust it to stick around? Wheth
CDC zombie apocalypse preparedness guide rises from the dead
Yes, the CDC really does offer survival tips for a zombie pandemic. Listen - 01:47
This is a clip from the CDC s zombie preparedness graphic novel CDC
You may have noticed the chatter about the US Centers for Disease Control s online zombie preparedness guide. It s risen from internet obscurity to once again haunt the public consciousness, likely due to pandemic fatigue and a goofy alleged Nostradamus prediction.
The CDC isn t expecting a zombie armageddon in 2021. The guide has been on the government site for years. It s a tongue-in-cheek presentation designed to illustrate real disaster and emergency preparedness tips for a country that was obsessed with The Walking Dead. The last blog entry in the guide dates to 2011.