Special to the Weatherford Democrat Bridge Class helps close gap between pre-K and kindergarten for those who need more time
Special to the Weatherford Democrat Feb 28, 2021
Trinity Christian Academy students in the Bridge Program reading. Special to the Weatherford Democrat
Imagine standing on one side of a body of water trying to get to the other side without a bridge.
Now imagine a 5-year old looking at that same problem but instead of water, the gap they are looking to get over is knowledge and maturity.
Realizing that sometimes pre-kindergarten classes arenât enough and that those children with summer birthdays may not be ready just yet for kindergarten, Trinity Christian Academy created a Bridge Program to help.
Thompson offers creative ideas for healthy & kid-friendly indoor/outdoor activities
Written By:
Jane Turpin Moore | 7:00 am, Jan. 21, 2021 ×
WORTHINGTON If you think
you’re bouncing off the walls after months of confinement, imagine what the pandemic shutdown has been like for young families.
What’s a parent to do? And how vital is it to get your little ones away from screens and moving their limbs?
Listen to what local early childhood expert Tara Thompson has to say.
“Physical activity contributes to optimal brain functioning,” said Thompson, District 518’s Early Childhood Coordinator since 2000.
“Our bodies learn as a whole, so we need to make sure we incorporate physical activity.