Des Moines, Ia- The presidents of Iowa's three state universities say their budgets have taken a hit during the pandemic and they're asking legislators for an extra 18 million dollars in the next state budgeting year, which begins July 1st. University of Iowa president Bruce Hrreld says despite federal assistance to cover pandemic-related costs, there's still a hole in the university's budget. "People ask, 'Isn't it a lot cheaper to operate online?' Well, no," Harreld says. "We haven't closed any of the buildings. We've actually had to change out the air handling equipment.I can't think of a more expensive way to operate. We have nightly cleaning of our facilities, for obvious reasons, so we've added more economic activity to keep the campus open and safe and yet we don't have as many people in classrooms. This is a very difficult time." University of Northern Iowa president Mark Nook says 80 percent of U-N
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UI, ISU, UNI seek $18 million boost in state support
Bruce Harreld (U-I photo)
The presidents of Iowa’s three state universities say their budgets have taken a hit during the pandemic and they’re asking legislators for an extra $18 million in the next state budgeting year, which begins July 1st.
University of Iowa president Bruce Harreld said despite federal assistance to cover pandemic-related costs, there’s still a hole in the university’s budget.
“People ask: ‘Isn’t it a lot cheaper to operate online?’ Well, no,” Harreld said during a legislative hearing on Wednesday. “We haven’t closed any of the buildings. We’ve actually had to change out the air handling equipment…I can’t think of a more expensive way to operate. We have nightly cleaning of our facilities, for obvious reasons, so we’ve added more economic activity to keeping the campus open and safe and yet we don’t have as many people in classrooms. This is a
He will lead Washington Central University
Northern Iowa presidential candidate and current interim president Jim Wohlpart speaks at the Presentation and Open Forum in Maucker Union Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2016, in Cedar Falls, Iowa. By Andrew Wind, Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier
CEDAR FALLS Jim Wohlpart announced Thursday he is resigning after six years as the University of Northern Iowa’s provost to lead Central Washington University.
He will become president in June of the Ellensburg, Wash., public university, which had an enrollment of 15,818 in the 2019-20 school year, according to its website. UNI had 10,497 students that year and enrollment dropped to 9,522 this fall.
December 29, 2020
Cedar Falls, Iowa University of Northern Iowa president Mark Nook says the university will unveil a new logo as the culmination of an update to its marketing program.
As Iowa businesses struggle to find enough qualified workers, Nook say the goal is to enroll more out-of-state students who will end up staying in Iowa after graduation.
(As above) “Spent a lot of time looking at our brand and what it is across Iowa and across the Midwest, in particular,” Nook says, ” but also throughout the United States and around the world.”
In addition to updated marketing, Nook says it’s time for a comprehensive, long-term plan for the institution.
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University of Northern Iowa brand update underway
UNI President Mark Nook.
University of Northern Iowa president Mark Nook says the university will unveil a new logo as the culmination of an update to its marketing program. As Iowa businesses struggle to find enough qualified workers, Nook say the goal is to enroll more out-of-state students who will end up staying in Iowa after graduation.
“Spent a lot of time looking at our brand and what it is in Iowa and across the Midwest, in particular,” Nook says, ” but also throughout the United States and around the world.”