The Rhythm Of Life
The Rhythm Of Life
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You have all heard of biorhythm. It is the rhythmic, biological cycle which influences our mental, physical and emotional activities. Thus some of us do our best work in the ‘brahma muhurat’, the pre-dawn hours; some of us are like owls, we come alive at night.
When our biorhythm is in tune with the natural rhythm of the planets and the Earth, with Nature’s own rhythmic cycle, we function at our best. Though it is true that every individual has a different biorhythm, life and work demand that we show the same level of energy and efficiency to fulfil all our demands satisfactorily. For example, a homemaker and mother cannot tell her family that she will not be able to cook breakfast before 10am; her family cannot be sent out to work or school hungry. Similarly, a teacher cannot tell her students that she prefers to take classes at 6pm.
The Rhythm Of Life - You have all heard of biorhythm. It is the rhythmic, biological cycle which influences our mental, physical and emotional activities. Thus some of us do our.
Keep It Simple
Keep It Simple
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Simplify your life and create space for better things in life. There are many aspirants, many anxious seekers, who have the yearning to get the glimpse of the light within. But they continue to remain in darkness, because they are slaves of their senses, and of their desires.
The root of all desire is the ego! It is the ego that consumes your energies. It eats into your natural love for God. The way to overcome your ego and conserve the spiritual energy is to reduce your desires! “The world is too much with us,” wrote the poet Wordsworth.
Keep It Simple
Simplify your life and create space for better things in life. There are many aspirants, many anxious seekers, who have the yearning to get the glimpse of the light within. But they continue to remain in darkness, because they are slaves of their senses, and of their desires.
The root of all desire is the ego! It is the ego that consumes your energies. It eats into your natural love for God. The way to overcome your ego and conserve the spiritual energy is to reduce your desires! “The world is too much with us,” wrote the poet Wordsworth.