An Ipswich teacher and advocate has taken on a new role in the battle against the scourge of domestic violence in our communities. Here’s what she thinks is ‘key’ to creating change.
Throughout Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month, the Queensland Police Service (QPS) has been sending the clear message that domestic and family.
The Palaszczuk Government has launched a new awareness campaign during Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month to help Queenslanders identify all forms of domestic and family violence (DFV).
Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said domestic and family violence is not always physical and can affect Queenslanders of all ages.
“We know domestic and family violence isn’t just physical,” the Premier said.
“Often it involves financial abuse, social abuse, isolation or even the use of technology to torment. All of these things can be just as dangerous as physical abuse.
“This new campaign aims to educate Queenslanders on how to recognise all forms of domestic and family violence and what support is out there.