Sarah Courtney,Minister for Education
Recruitment has commenced today for school psychologists, social workers and speech and language pathologists to support the work of our Child and Family Learning Centre as part of the Tasmanian Liberal Government’s $3.82 million First 100 Day election commitment.
The new staff will support Tasmanian families and students at every stage of their development and learning, and are designed to replicate the Support and Wellbeing team model currently in government schools.
Expanding the support in Child and Family Learning Centres will build on the variety of critical services already delivered to families and young children experiencing vulnerability and disadvantage.
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Madam Speaker,
In January last year I was honoured to receive the support of my colleagues to become the State’s 46th Premier and shortly after that, around 12 months to the day, coronavirus found its way to the Australian mainland and unfortunately to our shores as well.
We were faced with the probability of a significant health crisis if action wasn’t taken swiftly to protect our community, that action meant limiting people’s movements and closing businesses where people congregated, and sadly the impact on our economy was severe.
We banned cruise ships, closed our borders and we stayed home to save lives.