Two candidates with trustee experience are competing to become Shorewood s next village president.
Jessica Carpenter, a current trustee, and Ann McCullough McKaig, a former trustee with seven years experience, are seeking the village president seat in the April 6 election.
Village President Allison Rozek is not seeking re-election.
Both candidates are eager to make Shorewood a more inclusive place to live and address community concerns by engaging with residents.
The candidates were asked to answer the following questions. Their responses were limited to 100 words.
What s an important issue facing the village, and how would you address it?
Jessica Carpenter: The No. 1 issue facing Shorewood is affordability. Extending our TID (tax incremental financing district) will help new residents choose Shorewood, but we must ensure residents can stay here, too. The way we can do that is by focusing on our taxes. I chose to run for village president because during my time o