Not every person of color in the South was enslaved.
It is a point Marvin Tupper Jones, the executive director of the nonprofit volunteer preservation and research organization Chowan Discovery Group, explains in detail. A native of what he describes as the Winton Triangle in Hertford County, Jones traces his heritage to the late 17
th century.
Marvin T. Jones
“My oldest named ancestor was from India. William Weaver shows up around 1690,” he told Coastal Review. Weaver was the father of biracial children who were free.
“These were not enslaved people,” he said.
Citing the late Dr. Ira Berlin, a scholar and historian who studied slavery and race in America, Jones said that at the time it was not uncommon for European men and women to have children with partners of a different race. A professor of history at the University of Maryland, Berlin died in 2018. His books and research are widely credited with changing perceptions of the Black experience in Colonial and antebell
Hertford Co. students can opt to return to in-person learning early March
storyblocks enterprise
and last updated 2021-02-17 09:58:08-05
HERTFORD Co., N.C. - On February 16, 2021, Hertford County Board Of Education concluded that they have approved an option for students to return to in-person learning.
Plan B requires social distancing and a hybrid attendance schedule for those families that chose to do so in a survey that was presented to the Board of Education on January 21, 2021.
The approved recommendation of Dr. Wright allows families who have selected Plan B in Grades Pre-K-5 to begin face-to-face instruction on March 8, 2021.
Hertford County Early College High School will be allowed to begin face-to-face instruction on March 15, 2021, but CS Brown High School STEM, Hertford County Middle School, and Hertford County High School will begin face-to-face instruction on March 16, 2021.