Iqtidar Alam Khan s Latest Books on India s Medieval History Unearth Hidden Secrets
While Studies in Thought, Polity and Economy of Medieval India 1000-1500 covers themes on Delhi Sultanate era, Researches in Medieval Archaeology talks about various constructions carried during Sultan Muhammad bin Tughlaq era.
A painting of west gate of Firozabad fort, near Delhi. This fort was built by Feroz Shah Tughlaq in the 1350s, but destroyed by later dynasties. Photo: Wikipedia/Public domain.
Iqtidar Alam Khanâs first slim book, a biography of Humayunâs brother Mirza Kamran was published in 1964; his latest book, slightly bulkier than the first, has been published in early 2021 when he is nearing 90, with nearly a dozen authored and edited volumes in-between. Quite an emphatic comment on how prolific he has been in his distinguished career as a historian of medieval India! Add a very distinct quality of the huge range of themes and the empirical solidity
AMU celebrates Republic Day The Milli Gazette Online 26 Jan 2021
Aligarh, January 26, 2021: Our Constitution is not just a mere set of fundamental laws that form the basis of governance, but it embodies certain basic values, philosophies, and objectives. These values find expression in various articles and provisions of our Constitution, as envisaged in the preamble-pertaining to sovereignty, socialism, secularism, democracy, republican character, justice, liberty, equality, fraternity, human dignity, and the unity and integrity of the Nation, said Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) Vice Chancellor, Professor Tariq Mansoor.
He was delivering the Republic Day speech at the Strechy Hall. AMU today celebrated the 72nd Republic Day amid social distancing measures with enthusiasm and gaiety to commemorate the date on which the Constitution of India came into effect, in the year 1950, and the country became a republic.