LOCK HAVEN In observance of Earth Day and Conservation District Week, the Clinton County Conservation District dropped off 200 pine trees at Murray Motors,
LANA MUTHLER lmuthler@lockhaven.com
LOCK HAVEN There was some great news for Clinton County renters and landlords $2.5 million in great news to be exact from Thursday’s Clinton County Commissioners meeting. The commissioners unanimously approved an agreement between the county, the Clinton County Housing Authority and the Clinton County Housing Coalition for administration of the Emergency Rental Assistance Program with grant funding in the amount of $2,540,838 from the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services.
“This is some really exciting news for Clinton County’s renters and landlords. At last they will get square on losses from the pandemic. This is a lot of money,” said County Planner Katie deSilva, as she explained the Clinton County Emergency Rental Assistance Program.
LANA MUTHLER lmuthler@lockhaven.com
LOCK HAVEN The COVID-19 vaccine was a hot topic again yesterday at the Clinton County commissioners meeting, as elected officials continue to show frustration in getting local residents vaccinated and push for more vaccine to be sent to this area.
“Clinton County is not getting hardly any,” commissioner Angela Harding said.
Although more than 300 people received vaccinations at Wednesday’s UPMC clinic at the Dunnstown Fire Hall, Harding explained that those vaccines are being sent to UPMC Williamsport and then distributed to Clinton County. She said the most recent vaccines coming to Clinton County were for Mill Hall Pharmacy and Weis markets.
Feb 25, 2021
LOCK HAVEN Orders are being taken by the Clinton County Conservation District for its 43rd annual tree seedling sale. Proceeds from tree seedling sales are used to fund various educational programs, such as school booklets and field days.
April is tree planting month in Pennsylvania, and for several good reasons: temperatures are usually moderate and soils are moist for maximum freshness.
The variety of seedlings available this year 5 for $10 include: White Flowering Dogwoods, Sugar Maple, Black Cherry and Buttonbush; 5 for $12 include: Red Chokeberry and 5 for $15 include: American Arborvitae.
Apple Trees in a bundle of two (one CrimsonCrisp and one Red Delicious) for $40. These apple trees are all approximately 4-6 feet tall.
MILL HALL Driving a recreational vehicle in Mill Hall Borough could require pre-approval.
Reacting to complaints about people driving or riding recreational vehicles such as ATVs and dirt bikes whereever they want despite an existing ordinance restricting it council last week voted 5-1 to amend the law regulating the activity and adding a stipulation that requires neighbors’ consent.
The restriction was given tentative approval, not final adoption.
Voting for the amendment on Jan. 26 were Councilmembers Karen Houser, Dan McCloskey, Rainelle Wallace, Fred Bucheit and Karla Hoy.
Council President Anthony Walker voted no.
Councilman John Gugliociello Jr. was absent.
The council will need to vote again to adopt it as an amendment to the borough ordinance.