MILL HALL The Mill Hall Community Pool upgrades are still on track and may potentially be fully funded. The pool, which has been in need of extensive repa
MILL HALL Mill Hall Borough is already halfway to its funding goal in its efforts to upgrade its community pool. And thanks to the creative efforts of two
MILL HALL Police coverage rates in Castanea and Lamar townships will see an increase. Mill Hall Borough Council voted to approve two resolutions to its co
MILL HALL Changes may be coming to Mill Hall Borough’s motor vehicle nuisance ordinance.
Council approved sending proposed amendments to its solicitor Paul Ryan of Coploff, Ryan, Welch & Houser for review.
Four amendments were proposed to council by its Police and Safety Committee including: Vehicle Owner has an abandoned vehicle on real property or another. Vehicle registration is expired for greater than one calendar year. Vehicle inspection is expired for greater than one calendar year. Vehicle is contributing to blight conditions in Mill Hall Borough.
Police Chief Brandon Coleman told council the classifications for abandoned vehicles in the current ordinance, which was created in 1969, aren’t as viable today.