HANCOCK The first of 13 vacant lots at Spruce Haven has sold.
The Hancock City Council approved a purchase agreement for Spruce Haven’s Lot 1 for $20,500 at its meeting Wednesday, down $500 from the initial asking price. The subdivision is located near the UP Health System Portage hospital.
The city hired realtor Kristine Weidner to sell the parcels at its March 3 meeting. An offer has already been made on another of the parcels, City Manager Mary Babcock said at the meeting.
“It’s great to see some movement up in that subdivision, so we’re definitely looking forward to building up in that area,” she said.
Garrett Neese/Daily Mining Gazette
Matthew Eliason, attorney for Isle Royale Seaplanes owner John Rector, addressed the Houghton City Council in 2019 to start the discussion on rezoning. Rector was seeking a rezoning or variance to allow his business to move to a location on Houghton Canal Road. Also pictured in the photo are from left, Police Chief John Donnelly, Clerk Ann Vollrath and Councilors Buck Foltz and John Sullivan.
HOUGHTON Two rezoning requests for property along Houghton Canal Road met differing fates at Wednesday’s Houghton City Council meeting.
By a 4-3 vote, the council approved a rezoning request for JRG Development to rezone property along Houghton Canal Road from R-1 (single-family residential) to B-2 (community business).
Split decision on Coles Creek rezoning
Split decision on Coles Creek rezoning
February 25, 2021
Houghton City Council approved resolution 2020-314, which pertains to rezoning a parcel representing a majority of the former Michigan Smelter site, but rejected 2020-315, a smaller lot where the seaplane hoped to relocate its base of operations. The first vote was 4-3, with newer council members Brian Irizarri, Jan Cole, and Joan Suits voting against. The other count was 2-3, with Councilor Mike Needham and Mayor Bob Backon abstaining due to their membership on the Planning Commission.
Public comment was split, perhaps leaning slightly in favor when correspondence was factored in. Kristine Weidner argued that the site’s former superfund status should not be seen as a hindrance to future development. Instead, she felt it would represent an intended progression for the property per the Environmental Protection Agency’s own guidance.
HOUGHTON Rezonings of two properties along Houghton Canal Road will come before the Houghton City Council next month.
Wednesday, the council set public hearings for Feb. 24 on the rezonings, which are being sought by JRG Development and Isle Royale Seaplanes. Both would change the zoning on properties from R-1 (residential) to B-2 (community business). The rezoning would allow all uses allowed in B-1, along with restaurants, taverns or other places serving food or beverages; and hotels and motels.
Both parcels are part of 78 acres the city annexed from Portage Township in 2008. The land was zoned R-1 at the time, as the then-owners wished to develop the property.