Get ready for more laughs at the El Paso Comic Strip this weekend. People were out and about this past Memorial Day weekend enjoying the start to their summer. With so many in our region getting vaccinated, people are eager to go out and enjoy some of the pre-pandemic activities they ve missed so much.
One of those activities includes heading out for a night on the town to enjoy some great comedy and lucky for comedy fans, one of our favorite comedians is coming back into town this weekend to make you laugh.
Willie Barcena will be performing at the El Paso Comic Strip this Thursday June 3rd through Sunday, June 6th. Willie is a great friend of the morning show so we re excited to have him coming into the studio this week to let us know how his pandemic has been treating him and see what he s been up to lately. Opening for his show will be the hilarious Byron Kennedy.
Comedian Greg Romero Wilson Performing at the El Paso Comic Strip
The comedian formerly known as The Greg Wilson will be back in the Sun City after a long hiatus due to the COVID-19. Known for his powerful laugh, Wilson is a former El Pasoan who loves to come back and make the people laugh.
Now known as Greg Romero Wilson, you ve probably seen him on VH1 s Best Week Ever, and he s been a guest star on Bones, Modern Family, Ghosted and more. We always love having Greg on the show with us to catch up and see what new projects he has coming up. Now since it s been so long since the last time we saw him, we can t wait to see what he s been doing to occupy his time during the pandemic. Greg Wilson keeps his audience cracking up through the entire show and you don t want to miss out.