School program aims to build Pathways to success
Medicine Hat Public School Division’s Pathways Program aims to work with students who may struggle in a classroom setting.
Alternative Programming vice-principal Greg Ferris once again presented to the public school division’s board, this time about Pathways.
“This is a new program in our system,” he said. “What Pathways is, is that schools in our system can refer students to us and it supports students with complex and diverse needs. It also is here for students with complex social or emotional needs.
“Pathways is an intervention program that, in our hopes, will help students gain skills to be successful in their community school.
200 Greg Ferris
Seine River First Nation to Robert Moore School
All Couchiching First Nation buses
All Rainy River First Nation Buses
The following buses are running a 2 hour delay this morning:
Seine River First Nation to Mine Centre School
Redgut First Nation to Mine Centre School