The Main Types of RAM
There are only two main RAM types that are common in today’s world. They’re known as SRAM ( Static RAM) and DRAM (Dynamic RAM).
Each of these two types of RAM has certain benefits over the other. For example, Static RAM is usually made from 4 to 6 transistors that allow it to be quite faster than DRAM. On the other hand, this also provides much bigger prices for SRAM, making it a bad option for someone on a budget.
SRAM also works differently than DRAM. Unlike Dynamic RAM, Static RAM requires a constant power supply but it doesn’t have to be refreshed periodically like DRAM as long as there is constant power. This allows for faster and better functionality but it also consumes more power and adds to the total cost of using this type of RAM. Sometimes, RAM can be faulty, causing all sorts of issues to your PC. In those situations, you should learn how to test RAM to avoid any further complications.
How to install a graphics card into your Windows PC and upgrade its performance
Dave JohnsonFeb 2, 2021, 03:48 IST
Updating your PC s graphics card is important for the best visual experience, especially for desktop gaming.Giuseppe Manfra/Getty Images
To install a
PC, you ll need to open its case and replace your existing card.
The graphics card needs to be installed into the PCI Express slot, and then connected to a power source.
Before you buy a new graphics card, make sure that your new card is compatible with your computer s case, CPU, and power supply.
Of all the components in a computer, your graphics card becomes outdated the fastest. New graphics cards are released every year, each one boasting more power and features than the last.