В Украине летит канцерка Германии Ангела Меркель. О чемМеркель будет говорить с Зеленским читайте в интервью Ирины Верещук в Перекрестный допрос на 24 канале.
В 2015 году крупные производители продуктов питания Kraft и Heinz провели слияние бизнесов, ставшее в итоге провальным: компания растеряла cвои позиции на рынке. Рассказываем, как управленческие ошибки ослабили Kraft Heinz и при чем здесь Уоррен Баффетт - РБК Pro
EMERYVILLE, Calif. , Feb 25, 2021
SCS Global Services, an international pioneer and leader in sustainability standards development and third-party certification of environmental, social, safety and quality performance, is proud to announce the addition of five new experts to its senior management staff. Industry veterans Carey Allen, Henning Bloech, Jenny Oorbeck, Vik Ahuja and Tom Ehart have joined the fold, each enriching SCS with decades of experience as the company continues its rapid growth trajectory.
Carey Allen, an experienced business leader in the food safety and quality certification arena, is SCS new Vice President and Managing Director for its Food and Agriculture division where she will lead operations related to food safety, quality, social responsibility, and sustainable agriculture production verification services. Ms. Allen comes to SCS from NSF International, where she led the global Supply Chain Food Safety Certification division and most recently served