READER S LETTER: Langrigg House, in Morton, Carlisle, shows there has always been demand for care homes
The former Langrigg House care home, in Langrigg Road, Morton, Carlisle. Picture: Google StreeetView I WAS interested to read in this paper that a private care home is to be built on the site of the County Council’s former care home Langrigg House, in Morton, Carlisle. In 2016, Carlisle Socialist Party organised a public campaign against the council’s plan to close three of its homes in Carlisle and four in West Cumbria, and eventually replace them with two new ones, but with only 120 places instead of 257, claiming this was because there was little demand for care home places as people preferred to remain in their own homes and receive “care in the community”.
While the establishment of wineries in Martinborough decades ago heralded the first wave of visitors, people were now being pulled in by the allure of a country lifestyle. Many houses in the town were owned by Wellingtonians, used as boltholes away from the capital, but demand was driving prices and squeezing lower income residents out of the market.
South Wairarapa Mayor Alex Beijen says his district needs more than just an ATM to serve its residents. Conor Kershaw owns the Four Square supermarket and Mitre 10 hardware store and said many of his 70-odd staff faced an uphill battle finding housing.