Rev. Raphael G. Warnock (Curtis Compton/Getty Images)
After his landmark victory in the Georgia Senate race, the Rev. Raphael Warnock told CNN that he planned to return to his pulpit to preach the following Sunday. As the senior pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church, the home church of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., Warnock’s progressive faith was a consistent part of his campaign and a frequent point of attack. Now, as Georgia’s first Black senator-elect, he joins the state’s first Jewish senator-elect, Jon Ossoff, in breaking racial, political, and religious barriers. On CNN, Warnock invoked Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel and King, two religious titans who marched together during the civil rights movement: “I think he and Dr. King are smiling in this moment.”
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NEW YORK, Dec. 17, 2020 /PRNewswire/ Choose Healthy Life Black Clergy Action Plan, a group of the nation s leading Black clergy led by Rev. Al Sharpton and Rev. Calvin O. Butts, III, convened a meeting yesterday with
Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and other top doctors including the National Medical Association to address racial health disparities, fighting COVID-19 in the Black community and the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine.
(PRNewsfoto/Choose Healthy Life,Quest Diagnostics)
Quest Diagnostics Incorporated logo. (PRNewsFoto/Quest Diagnostics Incorporated)
Resolve to Save Lives
We stand together in expressing serious concern with the Trump administration s vaccine distribution plan. While we are encouraged by recent reports regarding the vaccines efficacy, there is urgent work to be done to ensure vaccination efforts are both expeditious and fair.
Governors need federal funding in order to execute comprehensive distribution plans to guarantee that all communities have access to the vaccine. The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials estimates that a comprehensive vaccine distribution program would cost approximately $8 billion. To date, the Trump Administration has administered a mere $200 million to the states.
Without adequate funding, distribution will not be equitable. COVID-19 has laid bare chronic health disparities in our country that led communities of color to suffer disproportionately from this virus. Communities of color disproportionately suffer from pre-existing conditions, such as asthma, obesity and hyp