I felt the loss of our home in all my senses as snippets of our family life, so beautiful in their ordinariness, flashed through my mind, writes Sue Nador
BILLINGS - Senator Jon Tester and VA Secretary Denis McDonough made a stop at MSU-Billings Monday afternoon to meet with Montana veterans.
The senator talked about COVID-19 relief and education for veterans during the pandemic, but he also wanted to hear directly from veterans and employees of the VA.
Navy Veteran Eric Brown, who served 20 years, met with Sen. Tester to discuss billing issues with the VA medical system. Instead of the bill going from the doctor s office to the insurance company, it s going to you. It s difficult if you re a veteran trying to receive what was guaranteed for your service, Brown said. For an outside consult I get stacks and stacks of bills for weeks, months and years after.
CORVALLIS, Ore. - Oregon State University's sixth round of door-to-door sampling throughout Corvallis by TRACE-COVID-19 field workers on March 13 and 14.
The county reported 21 cases for the Wednesday-Thursday period, following 10 cases on Tuesday.
The state and the county are investigating the 24 cases at the Veterans Home to confirm that they were true positive cases, Dr. Karen Relucio, the countyâs public health officer, said earlier this week.
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Most of those who tested positive at the Veterans Home had been vaccinated and only one case was symptomatic, Relucio said.
Investigators will examine whether there were problems with the vaccines which were allocated by the federal government to a pharmacy that did the Vets Home vaccinations, she said.
Hemp and CBD are hot topics in the front room, on the front page and across the nation. For those involved in agricultural production, food and animal sciences, and veterinary medicine, the root question is how do hemp-based products impact animal health? T