/PRNewswire/ GreenSeed Contract Packaging was named the winner of the 2021 Green Ole Award by the Batavia Environmental Commission. The Green Ole Award,.
GreenSeed Contract Packaging Wins Green Ole Award - Chicago, IL - Packaging Industry Leader GreenSeed Scales Flexible Packaging Solutions to Reduce Waste and Improve Energy Conservation Operations
Gauri Khandekar is a researcher at the Brussels School of Governance at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
On 8 May the EU-India summit took place in an unprecedented format – Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi joined (virtually) the EU Council meeting composed of the heads of state and government of the EU’s 27 member states and the Presidents of the European Council and Commission, an arrangement previously used only for the United States.
The set-up itself signposts the importance Brussels now attaches to New Delhi, especially amidst growing frictions in EU-China relations and rising European ambitions to shape the regional architecture of the Indo-Pacific.
Washington, D.C. — The Center for American Progress announced today that Frances Colón, Kelly Kryc, and Michael Williams will be joining the organization’s Energy and Environment team later this month. Colón will be the team’s senior director for international climate. At CAP, she will help develop strategies to strengthen U.S. partnerships with the international community […]