Как мозг понимает, что чувствует нос и что видят глаза, если нейронный ответ на запахи и визуальные картинки постоянно меняется? По мнению нейробилогов, в мозге должны быть еще необнаруженные невообразимые механизмы. Предполагается, на то, чтобы разобраться в них, уйдут годы труда ученых.
As usual, these are birth anecdotes, not statistics, so the percent they represent is hard to say, nor does it address things like sheer numbers, costs, etc. But still worth considering, keeping in mind AA's note about the number of medical mistakes annually (my wife's was very good, but it was overseas and we got to pick the country!). Also, read the comments.
As usual, these are birth anecdotes, not statistics, so the percent they represent is hard to say, nor does it address things like sheer numbers, costs, etc. But still worth considering, keeping in mind AA's note about the number of medical mistakes annually (my wife's was very good, but it was overseas and we got to pick the country!). Also, read the comments.
As usual, these are birth anecdotes, not statistics, so the percent they represent is hard to say, nor does it address things like sheer numbers, costs, etc. But still worth considering, keeping in mind AA's note about the number of medical mistakes annually (my wife's was very good, but it was overseas and we got to pick the country!). Also, read the comments.