The Fourth of July fireworks have been canceled in Westport for the summer of 2021 as of May 7. Due to CDC guidelines, the PAL board along with other Fairfield County towns, such as Danbury and Ridgefield, decided to postpone the fireworks until next year.
“It is safest to avoid crowded places and gatherings where it may be difficult to stay at least six feet away from others who are not from your household,” the CDC guidelines dictate.
With the history of large crowds attending the celebration in previous years, local officials and public health experts worry that there will be no control over testing, social distancing and contact tracing. Alternative locations to host the fireworks were also considered, but ultimately, the concerns regarding safety, space and security overruled the decision to host the fireworks.
Social media feeds have been flooded with activism in the name of International Women’s History Month, and social studies teacher Cathy Schager and her Women in Society class have further celebrated the month with their creation of #TheyForShe.
In June of 2014, United Nations women created #HeForShe which fought for gender equality and empowerment of women, and worked to engage boys and men in dismantling the social and cultural barriers that hinder women from reaching their full potential. Schager’s Women In Society class was inspired by the empowerment of the UN’s hashtag initiative, but in an effort to expand the boundaries of the movement, decided to alter the word “he” to “they”, realizing that there would be other genders that would want to support the hashtag.