WOMEN have been cleared of attacking a man in Southend. The trial of Carla Dowling, 45, of Sutton Road, Southend and Lorraine Perry, formerly known as Moore, 30, of Appleford Court, Basildon concluded after it was alleged they attacked a man on a road. The women denied attacking the man - Perry’s former partner – at a set of traffic lights in Southend and damaging his car in the same incident on March 20, 2019. The court heard that the women had stopped the man driving off, before smashing the car s wing mirror, kicking the door and then attacking the man by punching and kicking him.
stock images A JILTED lover and her friend violently attacked her ex-partner in the middle of the street and damaged his mum’s car following a break-up, a court heard. Carla Dowling, 45, of Sutton Road, Southend and Lorraine Perry formally known as Moore, 30, of Appleford Court, Basildon are standing trial at Basildon Crown Court charged with damage to property and assault occasioning actual bodily harm. The court heard the two women pulled up in a car next to the victim and his mother at a set of traffic lights in Southend on March 20, 2019. They then exited the vehicle and launched an attack on the car, before attacking the victim.
stock images A JILTED lover and her friend violently attacked her ex-partner in the middle of the street and damaged his mum’s car following a break-up, a court heard. Carla Dowling, 45, of Sutton Road, Southend and Lorraine Perry formally known as Moore, 30, of Appleford Court, Basildon are standing trial at Basildon Crown Court charged with damage to property and assault occasioning actual bodily harm. The court heard the two women pulled up in a car next to the victim and his mother at a set of traffic lights in Southend on March 20, 2019. They then exited the vehicle and launched an attack on the car, before attacking the victim.
“What are the estimates for next year’s charge on that? £10? £12? Carla Dowling said: “It will encourage tourists to park down private roads, leaving no spaces for the residents. “The council are blinkered by pound signs, that s all they think about. They are obviously trying to get the money back for the ridiculous amounts of traffic wardens they sent out during this lockdown Hayley Edwards added: It just amazes me the common sense of some of these people... Obviously I m talking when its safer for everyone to do so but you want people to come to the town? You people to use the car parks? You want people to help our businesses etc and spend money?