Queensland Government considers Jemena gas pipeline in western Queensland, putting survival of koala at risk
WedWednesday 7
updated Yesterday at 9:04pm
WedWednesday 7
The pipeline would connect the Glenaras Gas Project to the Queensland Gas Pipeline.
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The Queensland government is considering approving a 585-kilometre gas pipeline that could significantly affect some of the state s most vulnerable animals.
Key points:
The pipeline would run from Aramac to Injune
Jemena has applied for a petroleum survey licence, which would allow it entry to 374 properties along the proposed route
An environmental assessment found the pipeline would significantly impact the vulnerable koala
“They should not be handing out petroleum leases whilst they are undertaking consultation to protect these areas.”
Prof Richard Kingsford, director of the Centre for Ecosystem Science at the University of NSW, has been researching the floodplains of Cooper Creek for two decades.
He said the Cooper Creek floodplain could bulge as wide as 80km during flood in the area of the leases.
He said the basin was an “incredibly complex” system of ephemeral rivers and lakes that can go from isolated pools and dried-up channels during dry periods to rivers many kilometres wide during floods, unleashing an explosion of birds, plant and insect life.