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Feb 05, 2021
Max Armstrong reports that hemp growers are being advised to be cautious about entering the market. Hemp has dozens of uses, but the only way a farmer can win with hemp is to make plans. Advice from Corbett Hefner, Formation Ag, offers some insights on this crop, which can bring easy money, but also can bring losses.
Farm Progress America is a daily look at key issues in agriculture. It is produced and presented by Max Armstrong, veteran farm broadcaster and host of This Week in Agribusiness.
Photo: nevodka/iStock/Getty Images Plus
Missed some agricultural news this week? Here are seven stories to catch you up.
1. A new form of African swine fever is circulating in China and it s been linked to illicit vaccines. More than 1,000 sows have been infected on farms owned by New Hope Liuhe, China s fourth-largest pork producer. These strains don t kill hogs, instead, it s a chronic condition. When ASF first hit, China had half the pigs in the world and lost 40% of them to African swine fever. – Reuters, Farm Futures
2. Thought the WOTUS ordeal was over? It s not. Republican members of the Senate are backing the Trump administration s Navigable Waters Protection rule, which replaced the Obama-era Waters of the U.S. rule. Over the past four decades, all three branches of the executive government have struggled with how to interpret the meaning of WOTUS. – Farm Futures
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FUTURE IN FIBER: Hemp is said to have thousands of uses. Fiber, which grows on the plant’s stalks, is one of the most valuable parts of a hemp plant. The hemp honeymoon is over. Now the industry needs to find a way to make profits.
While it may not seem as exciting as growing hemp for cannabidiol, raising hemp for fiber can become profitable once challenges are addressed.
“You need to be very cautious,” said Corbett Hefner, vice president of research and development and business development for Formation Ag. “It’s easy to make money in this farming practice and easy to lose money. Work backward; have a plan where you will sell this.”