The truth about our abandonment and reclaiming our Korean identity
Posted : 2021-07-17 09:32
Courtesy of Kara Bos
This article is the eighth in a series about Koreans adopted abroad. Korea s nationality law facilitated the procedure of restoring their Korean nationality and allowing dual nationality of their adoptive country from 2010. Kara Bos, who restored her family registration with her birth father, shares her story when she tried to reclaim her Korean nationality and what she found out during the process. Her story provides an opportunity to contemplate the true meaning of nationality to the identity of an individual. ― ED.
By Kara Bos
Korean adoptees demand apology from President Moon
Posted : 2021-01-26 16:34
Updated : 2021-01-27 10:15
A group of overseas Korean adoptees has joined an online campaigning to protest President Moon Jae-in s controversial remarks during his New Year press conference that adoptive parents should be allowed to cancel their adoptions or change the child if they don t get along well. Kara Bos, or Kang Mi-suk, a Korean American adoptee now living in Amsterdam with her family, is participating in the campaign, promoting images of overseas Korean adoptees with the hashtag #NotAThing. The other petitioners included Kevin Omans, Liat Shapiro, Cam Lee and Allison Park. Courtesy of Kang Mi-suk
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