For the past year, students on campus were trapped inside their dorms, forced to be inside their residential areas by midnight. Alongside the Miami-Dade County curfew being lifted, the University of Miami Department of Housing and Residential Life has also decided to lift its midnight curfew. On April 12, a newsletter was sent out to residential students informing them that they may come and go as they please without any consequences.
“Lifting the midnight curfew will hopefully reduce the stress or worry of students,” Executive Director of Residential Life, Ivan Ceballos said. “Especially with final exams around the corner.”
This news sparked a lot of joy in the students, normalizing their campus experience, as they will now not have to worry about being back on campus by a certain time.
Belair Gov’t School PTA rewards most outstanding students
Members of the Parent Teacher Association pose with the awardees for the PTA’s Most Outstanding Students Awards 2020 Social Share
On Friday December 11, a small and significant ceremony was held at the assembly hall of the Belair Government School, when the most outstanding students were rewarded by the school’s Parent Teacher Association (PTA).
The executive of the PTA awarded the students for their hard work with trophies, gift vouchers and cash.
Joseph Bascombe, president of the PTA said the awards were delayed from July 2020 due to Covid -19 concerns.
The PTA president, who is also a member of the Royal St Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force said the PTA awards outstanding students from Grade K to Grade 6. This initiative was first introduced in March 2018 at the PTA’s first executive meeting under Bascombe’s leadership.