By allowing ads to appear on this site, you support the local businesses who, in turn, support great journalism. Preceptor Pi donates blankets
Preceptor Pi met on Feb. 2 at the Farmers Bank and Trust meeting room.
An article was read by Lois Johnson entitled “Overcoming Adversity.” The service committee bought blankets for the Rosewood Blanket Drive for foster children, Rosie Lithi will deliver them to Rosewood. An idea was presented for a trip to Pawhuska, Okla. to see the Pioneer Women’s Mercantile and other places.
Susan Coulson was crowned Valentine Queen. Judy Krebaum gave the program on the history of Valentine Cards and showed how they have changed over the years.
The Times-Reporter
Over the past year, schools across the country have been confronted with questions and concerns as to how we can productively educate our students and be able to have a safe learning environment. Claymont City Schools are not different than any other school system faced with educating students during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Educating our students is top priority, but we also cannot neglect the social and emotional needs of our students and community during this time. The quote “Call to me and I will answer you” is very near and dear the Claymont staff and students. Both the staff and students have always gone above and beyond for the students and community. This past year our staff and students have felt the call to do more for each other.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary of Post 839 met on Tuesday at the Post home. The meeting started at 6 p.m. There were 10 members present.
President Connie Kennelley conducted the meeting according to the ritual. The Pledge of Allegiance was spoken. The February minutes were read and corrected.
Judy Schiebel reported 19 members contributed 68 hours for the community service which amounted to $250.68.
Donna Mitchem agreed to fill the position of treasurer. Checks have been ordered.
Correspondence was from the VFW National Home for Children and three from Iowa Veterans Home.
The Money March was conducted. A prayer was said for the VFW National Home for Children.
VAntage Point
Valentines and visitors say Thank You Veterans
Saluting VA’s patients
Show your appreciation during National Salute to Veteran Patients Week.
Every February, VA throws a party for the thousands of Veterans who receive care every day in VA medical centers, outpatient clinics, domiciliaries and nursing homes.
It’s National Salute to Veteran Patients Week. This is your opportunity to say thank you to this special group of men and women.
“The National Salute to Veteran Patients is a wonderful opportunity for patriotic Americans to show their appreciation for Veterans. I encourage everyone to visit a Veteran at a local VA medical facility this Valentine’s week,” said Sabrina C. Clark, director of the Center for Development & Civic Engagement. “I challenge everyone to make this National Salute the start of a commitment to honor Veterans by volunteering at a VA Medical Center and offering their own personal touch to serving those who served us first.”
Find Your Peace by Pieces is amping up for its next event this Feb. 20, to bring awareness to abuse and suicide survivors with the Find Your Peace Self Love Abuse and Suicide Survivors Free Photo Shoot. The event will be held at Jessica Gray Photography in Bunnell, in collaboration with Lunar Sol boutique.
“Community involvement the little things (that are really the big things) like helping people feel loved and cared for,” said Toni Mayes, director/founder of Find Your Peace by Pieces. “We can fight to bring in as many mental health services as possible, but if we don’t have connections with each other, with our community, what good will it do?