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An estimated cumulative total of 34 million trees will have been planted across the province when this year’s season wraps up in a few weeks.
And local efforts since 2008 across SDG have been a strong contributor to the Ontario goals.
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Try refreshing your browser. Forests Ontario tree-planting season in full swing across SDG region Back to video
Those close to the program on May 12 confirmed some of the impressive numbers, including 70,000 trees currently being planted across SDG through Forests Ontario’s long-term and ongoing 50 Million Tree Program.
The estimated total number of trees being planted in Ontario is 2.8 million – and it’s a time-sensitive effort.
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More than 45,000 trees are taking root in the Sudbury area this spring through an initiative that gives landowners an incentive to green their properties.
The seedlings going into the ground locally are part of an overall 2.8 million adding coniferous cover to Ontario acreages through the 50 Million Tree Program, offered through Forests Ontario.
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Try refreshing your browser. Local landowners take advantage of greening program Back to video
The not-for-profit organization is dedicated to regreening the province through the support of planting, forest restoration, stewardship, education and awareness.
The 50 MTP program provides financial and technical assistance to landowners who wish to plant a minimum of 500 trees on their property, with funding support provided from the federal government, corporate sponsors and donors.